Cardioversion the process by which the cardiac rhythm translates to sinus rhythm, stroke direct current synchronized with the ventricular complex of th electrocardiogram (R prong of the QRS complex). If the delivery of electric strock occurs during the T-wave can cause ventricular fibrillation (VF).
Defibrillators to be used for cardioversion have the kej that activates thy synchronization with the R prong.
Indication is in atrias fibrillation,supraventricular tachycardia (SVPT) refractory to treatment and procedures, persistent ventricular tachycardia (VT) refractoryto drug therapy. To stable elective patiens cardioversion runs performed after anticoagulation therapy with warfarin by 3-4 weeks and can be done first if there is hemodynamic instability in patiens, ancertainty in the antiarrhythmic drugs.
After the indicated cardioversion requiresdequate patient preparation – mental and physical, preparation defibrillators and accessories.
Priprema patiens is needed before the procedure, monitoring during and after the procedure.
After verbal consent must be required to sign informed consent for the use of anesthetic and intervention – cardioversion.
For whole procedure is actually required coordinated team of doctors cardiologists and anesthesiollogists and nurses and technicians anesthesions.
It is recommeded that pattiens be admitted to the cardiological department or intesive care unit ifthey hemodynamically unstable( and be monitored during and after cardioversion.
About 90% uspije.Change life style recommendations for treatima irregular hear failure:smoking cessation, avoidance of physical ativities, that lead to arrhythmias, limit salt intake, caffeine, healthy diet, maintaining normal weight, regular control of the cardiologist, regularly taking medication andavoidinis medication eg cough containing stimulant.
The chanes for a successful cardioversion and maintenance of sinus rhytham decreased with longer duration of fibrillation areespecially low if th fibrillation lasted longer than a year. In such cases, the importaned should be added to control hear rate and anticoagulation therapy.
Suitable equipment and traines medical personnel are the main conditions of successful and safe cardioversion. |